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27 January: End of Course Survey & Assessing Timelines


I can determine a complete and complex theme of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text using images and textual evidence (RL 1, 2, & 10).

Entry Task:

As you come into class, grab your laptop and login to Google Classroom to complete the end-of-course survey.

What’s Going On:

Once you are done with your survey, you will have some time to finalize your Station Eleven Theme Timeline. Be sure to frequently reference the requirements and rubric as you are working. I suggest working in the order of the checklist.

Exit Task:

We will spend the end of class viewing each other’s timelines. You will be given a timeline to assess and time to self-assess your own work. Spend the last few minutes cleaning up around you.


© 2020 by T.Empsall

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