I can explore Big Ideas throughout Things Fall Apart and read for comprehension and to pull textual evidence to explore the novel’s themes (RL 1/2). I can also use my time wisely to finalize any needed work or extend on my learning in class.
Entry Task:
As you come in, grab your binder and prepare to play a round of Blooket to study our unit vocabulary. I will play with you today; anyone who beats me will earn extra credit!
What’s Going On:
Today is yours to use as a work day to make sure you are ready to finish our book next week.
The following required activities are listed in the order they need to be completed and submitted. Any required work not completed in class you are expected to submit on your own time. Once all required work is done, make a selection from the other options to complete with remaining class time:
REQUIRED: TFA Part 1 Edpuzzle (Google Classroom- Week 6: Wednesday)
REQUIRED: TFA Big Ideas CCC (Google Classroom- Week 6: Wednesday)
REQUIRED: TFA Ch 14-19 Independent Read (Google Classroom- Week 6: Thursday or on paper)
Check Skyward and work on missing/redo work
Complete comprehension minutes in Lexia (login to lexiapowerup.com)
Complete an extension CommonLit reading (Google Classroom: Week 5)
Exit Task:
At the end of the day, complete the intervention/extension reflection for today’s participation points. Turn this into the bin at the front of the room.